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Exploring the Intersection of Law and DAOs

Exploring the Intersection of Law and DAOs


In this episode of DAO Deep Dives, we talked to Kyle Smith from LexDAO.

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In this Episode

Here is what you can expect from Episode 3 of DAO Deep Dives.

If you are reading this, you’d probably agree: “DAOs are awesome". However, the regulatory and legal landscape around DAOs is still evolving, with many questions and uncertainties remaining. In this episode of DAO Deep Dives, hosts Sven and Solve interviewed Kyle, a legal engineer and founder of LexDAO, to explore the intersection of law and DAOs.

The conversation began with a discussion of the concept of DAOs and their evolving definitions. Kyle shared his unique perspective on DAOs as a physics engine, specifically a world computer physics engine at the human interface level. He also mentioned the term DINO "Dao in name only," referring to organizations in the space that use the term DAO but do not necessarily embody its principles and values. This highlights the importance of understanding the true nature of DAOs and the potential risks associated with misusing the term.

The discussion then shifted to LexDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that aims to provide legal services and education to individuals and other DAOs. Kyle explained that LexDAO operates as a social club, with membership fees and donations as its main sources of revenue. The organization also has several guilds, including Kali DAO and Real World Assets consortium, which offer more focused services. This highlights the importance of DAOs having clear and defined structures to ensure effective governance and community engagement.

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Kyle elaborated on the legal structures of LexDAO and its guilds, that they are constantly experimenting with different entities such as 501c3 and 501c4. Which shows the need for DAOs to be proactive in navigating the regulatory and legal landscape to ensure compliance and avoid legal risks. He also discussed the importance of legal engineers in the DAO space, who write software and contemplate legal consequences.

The conversation then delved into governance systems used at LexDAO, with Kyle mentioning an upcoming upgrade called the Keep Guild system. This system is designed to enable LexDAO to better manage its treasury and make more informed decisions on how to allocate funds.

Overall, the episode provided insights into the intersection of law and DAOs, highlighting the importance of legal structures, education, and innovation. It also emphasized the need for DAOs to be user-focused and to understand the needs and values of their communities. As the regulatory and legal landscape around DAOs continues to evolve, it is important for DAOs to stay informed and proactive in navigating these changes to ensure their long-term success.

To listen to the full episode and learn more about DAOs, check out DAO Deep Dives on your preferred podcast platform.