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Digital Tribes and Physical Cities: Build_'s Vision for the Future

Digital Tribes and Physical Cities: Build_'s Vision for the Future


This week we talked to Angelo Alessio from BuildCities.Network about their product, modern startup communities and how the concept of network states impacts them.

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Here is what you can expect from the conversation Angelo

In recent years, the rise of the startup ecosystem has brought about a shift in how we approach entrepreneurship and innovation. No longer is it necessary to move to Silicon Valley or another tech hub to build a successful startup. With the help of technology, it's now possible to build and scale a startup from anywhere in the world.

This is where the concept of network states comes into play. Network states refer to the idea that people are more likely to identify with communities that share their interests and values, regardless of geographic location. For example, someone who is passionate about cryptocurrency may feel more connected to a global network of crypto enthusiasts than to their local community.

In a recent episode of DAO Deep Dives, Sven and Solve sat down with Angelo from Build Cities to discuss the future of startup communities and the role that decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can play in creating a more equitable and connected world for startup communities.

This concept is at the heart of Build Cities, a protocol for startup cities that aims to unlock the hidden GDP in communities around the world. Build Cities recognizes the power of digital networks and the importance of connecting people with similar interests and values, regardless of where they are located. By creating a platform and protocol layer that connects people with existing digital tribes and physical cities, Build Cities is building a network of network states that can rival the traditional startup ecosystem.

But what does this mean for modern startup communities? It means that the traditional model of the startup ecosystem is being disrupted. No longer do startups need to be located in a specific geographic location to be successful. Instead, startups can tap into the power of digital networks to find the resources, talent, and funding they need to succeed.

One of the key takeaways from the discussion was the importance of building strong networks and communities. As Angelo pointed out, the internet has made it possible for people to connect with others who share their interests and passions, regardless of where they are in the world. This has led to the rise of what Balaji Srinivasan calls "internet tribes" – groups of people who are bound together by shared beliefs, values, and experiences.

Build Cities aims to take this concept to the next level by creating a platform that connects these internet tribes with physical cities. The idea is to unlock the hidden GDP in communities around the world by providing the infrastructure and resources that startups need to thrive. This includes everything from funding and mentorship to events and co-working spaces.

To achieve this goal, Build Cities is working on a phased roadmap that will enable the creation of city chapters – essentially, DAOs that are focused on building and supporting startup ecosystems in their local communities. The idea is to create a network of city chapters that can share resources and collaborate on projects, ultimately creating a global network state that is more resilient and equitable than the current system.

The rise of network states also has implications for how we approach innovation. By connecting people with similar interests and values, we can create more diverse and inclusive communities that are better equipped to solve complex problems. This is particularly important in the tech industry, where diversity and inclusion are still major challenges.

To learn more about Build Cities and the power of network states, check out the DAO Deep Dives podcast episode featuring Angelo from Build.